Blacksmithing & Metalwork Books
David writes books and articles on blacksmithing and metalwork. His books are not blacksmithing manuals but explorations of the craft of blacksmithing, looking at examples from his own portfolio and those of other blacksmiths, sculptors and artists. His second book explores design in metalwork, examining the diverse approaches of artist blacksmiths to creating artistic metalwork.
Artist Blacksmith Sculpture: The Art of Natural Metalwork by David Freedman (2016) is a look at decorative and sculptural metalwork through David's own portfolio of public sculpture, artistic gates and furniture and other works as well as the work of other smiths. Available on Amazon internationally
Artist Blacksmith Design: The Art Behind Blacksmithing and Metalwork by David Freedman explores the creative ideas and design processes of metal smiths and sculptors. Published November 2019.
"Metalwork books have played a big part in my own artistic education over the years. When casting around for ideas I have often looked at the work of other blacksmiths both contemporary and through history, turning to the many books I have collected. The ones I have found most inspiring are not the (very useful) how-to manuals of projects and techniques, but the blacksmithing books that focus more on the endless variety of sculptural, practical, architectural and beautiful work that hundreds of very talented men and women have produced.
I have used the platform of my own works to look at the inspirations behind my own work and look at the ideas and design techniques of other smiths whose work I admire. Having written articles over the years for the BABA magazine, ABANA's Anvil's Ring and the NO&MMA among others, I decided to explore the relationship between blacksmithing design and nature as well as historical precedents to understand further the mysterious art of the blacksmith. I hope you enjoy these books"